When I chose to read The Debutantes by Olivia Worley, I did so based purely on the cover. I love the cover to this book so much, even though I can't exactly tell you why. It just jumped out at me as something I should read. And my intuition was spot-on. The Debutantes is what Pretty Little Liars would have been if it was set in New Orleans. Dead and missing friends, danger, secrets being exposed, mysterious masked people.... Yep, Pretty LIttle ... Read the Post...
What the Woods Took by Courtney Gould
Content Warning: What the Woods Took contains: I periodically receive emails from NetGalley telling me what books are "Read Now". In the most recent email, What the Woods Took was listed among the books on offer. While I had previously seen Courtney Gould's other books on NetGalley, I had not been lucky enough to be chosen to read them. But since this one was "Read Now" I managed to snag it. I'm so glad I was able to get it. In this book ... Read the Post...
Buried Secrets by S.F. Baumgartner
I picked up Buried Secrets a while ago while perusing the Edelweiss+ gallery of books that could be freely downloaded, but didn't get around to reading it right away. Now I kind of wish I had. For one, it is a clean thriller. No foul language, no sex, nothing that would make your grandmother cringe. The author even states it is meant to be a clean book. Which is a nice change of pace from the overly sexualized, over-filled with cuss words ... Read the Post...
All Hope of Becoming Human by Lonnie Busch
When I saw All Hope of Becoming Human by Lonnie Busch in the Edelweiss+ "to download" category, I thought it sounded interesting, so I decided to give it a try. I'm glad I did! One of Mr. Busch's influences is Stephen King and you can definitely see that in this novel. He expertly crafted the kind of allegory that Mr. King uses - where the people are the problem, not the fantastical monsters that plague them. Not only that, but he blended ... Read the Post...